Frequently Asked Questions
What vaccines are recommended for my pet?
- Our typical vaccine protocol for puppies includes DA2PP, Rabies, Bordetella, and Leptospirosis.
- The DA2PP vaccine protects against common diseases that young puppies are particularly susceptible to including Distemper, canine hepatitis, parvovirus, and canine parainfluenza.
- The rabies vaccine protects against the rabies virus. This vaccine is highly recommended due to the high fatality rate of the disease.
- The leptospirosis vaccine protects against the leptospira bacteria, which is commonly found in puddles, lakes, streams, and any outdoor water sources.
- The bordetella vaccine protects against kennel cough and is highly recommended for dogs that are commonly in contact with other dogs especially at dog parks and daycares. It’s also typically required in order to board your dog.
- For cats, we typically offer Rabies and FVRCP. If your cat is an outdoor cat or you live in a multi-cat home we also recommend the FeLV vaccine.
- Similar to dogs, we recommended the rabies vaccine to protect against the rabies virus.
- The FVRCP vaccine protects against 3 contagious and life-threatening feline diseases, Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Feline Calicivirus , and Feline Panleukopenia
- The FeLV vaccine protects against feline leukemia virus which can lead to a number of diseases including anemia and cancer.
Which preventatives are recommended for my pet?
Our most commonly dispensed preventatives are Revolution, Bravecto, and Simparica Trio. If you’re not sure what would work best for your pet, feel free to reach out to us or discuss it with a vet at your next annual exam.
When should my pet be spayed/neutered?
The youngest age we start spays and neuters at is approximately 6 months, however our vets are happy to discuss the pros and cons of having it done sooner vs later.
What do I need to travel with my pet?
Because regulations change often, we unfortunately do not always have up to date travel information. Make sure you check with the appropriate travel authorities to confirm what documentation you need. We are happy to help you fulfill the requirements per your request.
Why can’t my pet have flea/tick preventative without being seen?
Most of the preventative medications we offer are considered prescriptions, which cannot be given to pets we have not seen before.
Why can’t my pet’s medication be refilled if we haven’t been seen within 12 months?
- Health changes very quickly. We want to ensure the health and safety of your pet and that the medications are still right for them.
- Some medications require blood work every 6 months to re-evaluate the function of the kidney and liver.